Clearly, those who are sending these spam marketing email have a receptive audience, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it. As I'm sure most of you are aware - many of these get-thin-quick diets are a waste of time and money; and some can be harmful to your health. It won't come as a surprise to discover that some of these emails direct you to websites that are also not legitimate, and could be harmful to your computer.
Whilst we hope that everyone in search of diet advice on the Internet finds a way to regain their pre-Christmas shape - (eat less, exercise more is what we're working on) - we also hope that they are vigilant in their browsing of the Internet and have protected their computer with up-to-date anti-spyware/anti-virus products. Prolateral is advising all profilter clients to be cautious when you receive any such email.
As with any online-purchase, be sure that the company you are buying from is legitimate, and also ensure that it is the website of the company that you think it is. Spammers and phishers will often register sites with very similar names to the real thing - and a typing error could take you straight into their hands.
Prolateral can help you
If you think you have been infected by a virus, spyware, malware, or scareware and need help then give us a call. Prolateral Consulting is an IT Security company specialising in the protection of your computer systems. Prolateral is solution partners with Symantec and eSet to help provide you the best of breed solution that is tailored to fit your business requirement. Together with proFilter, Prolateral's first rate anti-spam and anti-phishing email filter we have the complete solution.
About Prolateral
Prolateral Consulting is in business to put your organisation back in control of your own Information Technology, specialising in information and messaging security, computer forensic services, and disaster recovery planning.
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Prolateral Consulting Ltd
Luton, Bedfordshire, UK
Tel : +44 (0) 8450 763760
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