Prolateral Consulting Ltd
Prolateral Consulting Ltd
Partner with Prolateral
Resell Internet Services
Branded white-label Portal
Increase your turnover

Prolateral offers primary and backup domain (DNS) services, with servers in key geographic locations providing the best service possible.

We have created some support knowledgebase pages with example code in PHP, C# and jQuery for the most common of tasks.  This is a good starting point if you are just getting started with integrating the Partner APIs into your application.  If you want the API reference documentation then please visit

Please follow the getting started guidelines before using the RESTful Partner API.


To use the Partner API you must meet the following criteria

  • Have a working development environment.
  • Have an active Partner account. If you need a partner account you can sign up here.
  • Enabled your account to use the API and set the access controls.
  • Have valid API Credentials.
  • Optional - Setup your development environment to initially use the Sandbox Testing Portal.

For Partner API reference documentation please see

Code Examples & Snippets

Expand each section to reveal code exmaples.


The below examples show you how to create, delete, list, search, edit and suspend/unsuspend clients.

Create This example will demonstrate the creation of a new client under the partner account.


List (with limit fields)

These examples show how to list all the clients under a partner account and also how to limit the data returned.
Search An example showing how to search the existing clients.
Get This example will get a client based on their id. Client ID can be found by doing a client GET (see List example above) and also the client ID is returned during the initial create (see Create example above).
Get Self This example will return information about yourself (The Partner account).  Useful if you want to retrieve your current "partner credit" balance.
Delete Example code showing how to delete an existing client using the RESTful API.  Note the client record is not fully deleted straight away, this is due to the client having services for which historic data is needed to be preserved.  Please refer to the policy statement and data retention.  When the client is deleted it is infact anonymised. Note, when deleting a client it will disable & suspend all services under that client.  It doesn't delete those services, for that you would need to list the live_services for a given client_id and individually deleted.
Suspend Suspending (disabling) a client will disable the client and it will also disable & suspend all services under that client. "Partner Credits" will not be consumed whilst services are suspended.
Unsuspend Unsuspending (enabling) a client will enable the client from a previous suspend/disable but it only enables the client.  It will not enable & unsuspend the services under the client.  For this you will need to call /live_services/suspension for each service to reactivate.


The below examples show you how to list your own partner tariff, regrade, suspend/unsuspend any live service and how to delete a live service.



An example to list all the live services available to you under your current partner tarif. Each service also details the cost to the partner (credit_cost) and the RRP (Recommended Retail Price, rrp_cost) both in Partner Credits.
Regrade This example shows the regrading of an outMail service. The principle is the same for all My-Engine services.
Suspend Suspending a service will disable the service and also suspend the service so the Partner Credits no longer get consumed.
Unsuspend Unsuspending a service will enable the service and also unsuspend the service which will then resume the consumption of Partner Credits.
Delete This example shows the deleting of an outMail service. The principle is the same for all My-Engine services.


The below examples show you how to create, delete, list, edit, regrade and suspend/unsuspend an outMail service.

Create This example will demonstrate the creation of a new outMail service under a clients account.


An example to list all outMails under a specifed client or the entire list of outMails under the partner.
Get This example will get the outMail service details and SMTP credentials for a specified outMail service. It is possible to change the SMTP credentials for the outMail service by doing a RESTful PUT using /outmails/{id}. Please refer to the API Reference documentation for more information.
Delete Please see the LiveServices section.
Regrade Please see the LiveServices section.
Suspend Please see the LiveServices section.
Unsuspend Please see the LiveServices section.

Coming Soon....


The below examples show you how to create, delete, list, edit, regrade and suspend/unsuspend a fakemx service.

Create This example will demonstrate the creation of a new fakeMX service under a clients account.


An example to list all fakeMXes under a specifed client or the entire list of fakeMXes under the partner.
Get This example will get the fakeMX service details.
Delete Please see the LiveServices section.
Regrade Please see the LiveServices section.
Suspend Please see the LiveServices section.
Unsuspend Please see the LiveServices section.


The below examples show you how to create, delete, list, edit, regrade and suspend/unsuspend an backupMX service.

Create This example will demonstrate the creation of a new backupMX service under a clients account.


An example to list all backupMXes under a specifed client or the entire list of backupMXes under the partner.
Get This example will get the backupMX service details.
Delete Please see the LiveServices section.
Regrade Please see the LiveServices section.
Suspend Please see the LiveServices section.
Unsuspend Please see the LiveServices section.

Coming Soon....

Coming Soon....

Testing and Debugging

Prolateral has provided Partners with access to a sandbox test enviroment. From the sandbox you will be able to test your integration code without incurring expense.

Note, if you are want to test the RESTFul API calls for outMail logs, profilter quarantines, etc then you need to use the production portal and not the sandbox test environment. You can use the NFR (Not-For-Resale) licenses in your account for testing & debugging.


The Origin of this information may be internal or external to Prolateral Consulting Ltd. Prolateral makes all reasonable efforts to verify this information. However, the information provided in this document is for your information only. Prolateral makes no explicit or implied claims to the validity of this information. Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners.