Prolateral Consulting Ltd
Prolateral Consulting Ltd
Knowledgebase Articles
Setup examples

Prolateral offers primary and backup domain (DNS) services, with servers in key geographic locations providing the best service possible.


How do I backup or download my zone files?


  • You must already have a masterDNS service with zone records already configured.
  • In addition you need to know your public IP address of the workstation you are currently using.
  • Your local workstation will need named-xfer installed (part of bind tools)


This example shows you how to backup and download your zone file records from Prolateral's Master DNS service to your local workstation.

First we need to configure the MasterDNS service to "allow zone transfers" to your local workstation

  1. Log into the portal (

  2. Select the Primary DNS menu under the DNS main menu

    my-engine portal masterdns (primary dns) menu

  3. Select the Settings button of the desired Primary DNS zone.

    My-Engine portal - MasterDNS (Primary DNS) zone settings

  4. Click the "Access Control" Button

    My-Engine portal - masterdns access control button

  5. Click the "+ Additional Server" button

    My-Engine portal -masterdns additional server button

  6. Enter the Public IP Address of your workstation and click the "submit" button.

    My-Engine portal - masterdns add third party nameserver

  7. Now move over to your local workstation and open a terminal session (or SSH sesssion)

    Type the following command, changing to your desired domain name

    named-xfer -z -f

Notes on named-xfer

named-xfer comes with most unix distributions, or you can download direct from the ISC .

However on Windows you can use nslookup ls


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