Prolateral Consulting Ltd
Prolateral Consulting Ltd
Knowledgebase Articles
Setup examples

Prolateral offers primary and backup domain (DNS) services, with servers in key geographic locations providing the best service possible.


How to configure SMTP email using PaperCut?
How to setup outMail as the SMTP Mail Relay for PaperCut notifications?


This article assumes you already have a fully work solution of either PaperCutNG or PaperCutMF.  For more information on PaperCut please see their support page.

From the dashboard select the menu called "Options", followed by "Notifications".

In the section labelled "SMTP Server Options" complete the form.

In the Host field enter the outMail SMTP server you have been assigned to (e,g

In the Port field you can either enter the default 25, or use an alternative port (see table below).

outMail supports the following encryption methods, None, SSL and TLS.  If you are testing or troubleshooting it would be suggested to have this set at none (also see the PaperCut support pages on enabling notify.smtp.debug for application debug information). In a production environment an encryption method is recommended.

Check the box on the field, "Reject untrusted certificates"

In the Username and Password fields enter the smtp credentials you were assigned from your welcome email.


Summary of server details

Outgoing server

As provided in your signup email.

Outgoing server protocol


Outgoing server port

25, 465, 587, 2525 or 8025

Authentication Type

Basic Authentication, SSL and TLS supported


As provided


As provided


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