Prolateral Consulting Ltd
Prolateral Consulting Ltd
Knowledgebase Articles
Setup examples

Prolateral offers primary and backup domain (DNS) services, with servers in key geographic locations providing the best service possible.


What does SMTP 554 5.7.1 mean?
Resolve error message "Recipient address rejected: You have exceeded your quota"


Do you see SMTP Error message like the below?

Subject 'Some email subject'
Server Error: 554
Server Response: 554 5.7.1 <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>: Recipient address rejected: You have 
     exceeded your Outmail quota.

Or maybe a Microsoft Error like this?

0x800CCC79, Protocol: SMTP


A SMTP 554 5.7.1 means you have exceeded your outMail quota. This is a permanent error and the message will not queue anywhere for a retry.

outMail customers can check their quota usage in the portal ( or with the outMail usage App available in the Apple and Google App Stores.

For more information on quota limits and max burst rates can be found in the knowledge base section or clicking on the links below.

What are the quota limits and max burst rates?

How are the quota limits calculated?


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