Prolateral Consulting Ltd
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Setup examples

Prolateral offers primary and backup domain (DNS) services, with servers in key geographic locations providing the best service possible.


How do I setup a vpn connection using Windowx XP?


Setting Up Your VPN Connection

  1. Click on Start, then select Programs then Accessories

  2. Select Communications then New Connection Wizard

  3. In the New Connection Wizard click Next

  4. Select Connect to the Network at my workplace and click Next

  5. Select Virtual Private Network connection and click Next

  6. Enter [Your Company Name] into the Company Name field and click Next

  7. Enter [Your Hostname] (provided separately) into the Hostname or IP Address field. Click Next

  8. Place a check in the box Add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop and click Finish


Initiating Your VPN Connection

  1. If you have an analog modem connection, make sure your Internet connection is active.

  2. If you have the First connect option enabled, proceed to step 2.

  3. Double click the VPN icon on your desktop

  4. Refer to the VPN Information sheet that was faxed to you and proceed with the following:

    1. Enter your Username in the User name: field

    2. Enter your Password in the Password: field

    3. Optional: Place a check in the save password box and select Me only

    4. Click Connect

  5. A dialog box should appear to show the username and password is being verified

  6. There will be a small icon in the task tray near the clock showing the status of the vpn connection, the 2 small PC icons flash indicating network activity over the VPN.


Disconnecting Your VPN Connection

  1. When you have finished your session, right click the VPN icon in the task bar

  2. Select Disconnect


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