Prolateral Consulting Ltd
Prolateral Consulting Ltd
Knowledgebase Articles
Setup examples

Prolateral offers primary and backup domain (DNS) services, with servers in key geographic locations providing the best service possible.


How do I log into the clients portal with a Two Factor Authentication (2FA) backup code?


This article explains how to log into the clients portal with a Two Factor Authentication backup code.

It is assumed you have already enabled 2FA on your account.

  1. Go to the secure clients area at
  2. Enter your username and password and click.

    prolateral clients area login screen
  3. You will now be prompted for a 2FA instead of entering a code click on link "Login using Backup Code".

    prolateral clients area login with 2FA
  4. Enter your backup code and click "Login"
    login with a 2fa backup code


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